
Showing posts from April, 2023

Book 3-5 The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle

 We are at the last chapter of this beautiful book.  The final piece to the Life puzzle is Lifestyle  ‘Lifestyle is how we choose to live and how we design our lives.’ Jim says that though many people have learned how to earn well , they have not learned how to live well. It may be due to poor attitudes. We can live better lives simply by changing how we think and how we feel about this concept called Lifestyle Our Lifestyle communicates a clear message about who we are and how we think. Lifestyle is a result of living more fully, more consciously and living more joyfully. Jim states that if we wish to be happy, we must study happiness.  Happiness is as much as a cause of success as it is a result of success. We can begin to experience happiness whenever we wish. regardless of our current circumstances.  I enjoyed the statement made by Jim which states “ if we cannot learn to be happy with what we have right now, then we will never be happy no matter how much go...

BOOK 3-4 The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle

 The next piece of the Life puzzle that is discussed by Jim Rohn is RESULTS ‘Any business or personal activity undertaken in the proper season and combined with the passage of enough time, will produce a predictable Result .   Results are the harvest of past efforts.  Jim gives the example of a farmer and how the farmer plants seeds and waits for the harvest.  How do we measure our results?   One method is to look at the results of what we have right now. The assets that we have acquired- house, car, etc., or accumulation of money.  Another important way to measure our results is to see what we have become -Have we  become people of integrity? Have we become better people over a period of time?  “The results will always be predictable because results are always determined by what we are in the process of becoming.” Jim states that -Success must be attracted nor pursued-the solution to having more is becoming more, we must be in constant ...

BOOK 3 -3 The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn

 The third piece to The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle is ACTIVITY . A growing awareness and a positive attitude are not enough in and of themselves. What we know and how we feel merely determine our potential for achievement.  Whether we actually achieve our goals is ultimately determined by our Activity . Why do people fail even though they are honest, and despite their knowledge?  Jim states “The answer might well be that we do not work at achieving our goals”  The lack of commitment to put our knowledge into action, and lack of  intense disciplined activity are the reasons we do not achieve our goals. Talking about achieving something is one and making it happen is something altogether different. We should not look back with regret at all the things that we could have done and meant to do – but left it undone.  Any day we wish to we can discipline ourselves and change it all. We must put intelligence into our work along with the intensity into our...

BOOK 3 -2 The 5 Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle -Jim Rohn

 In Chapter 2 of The 5 Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle -Jim Rohn is talking about   Attitude .  ‘ Our lives are greatly affected by what we know since what we know determines the decisions we will make’. Attitude focusses primarily on the emotional issues that affect our existence. He goes on to share how the Past, Present and the Future will shape our attitude. (See picture).  He states ‘Everything in the world around us was finished in the mind of its creator before it started’- so he goes on to impress upon us that we should conceive what we want in our minds first before it will become a reality.   We are designed to create a better future. And that Future that we want to create has a price tag to be paid.  We progress as we appreciate our self-worth. How we feel about ourselves is a matter of choice, not circumstance.  As in the earlier book by Shad, here also we read about how each of us are unique and special with special things that w...

BOOK 3 -1 The Five Major Pieces To The Life Puzzle By Jim Rohn.

  Jim Rohn was a brilliant author, inspiring speaker, and his quotes and ideas are the seeds of many personal development programs that exist today. ‘If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much!’ – Jim Rohn He starts off by stating about How the process of change begins. He goes on to say that there are two ways that people process change. Desperation - When circumstances are out of control and Inspiration - When they become sufficiently inspired to make major or dramatic changes.   After years of study Jim Rohn summarizes these 5 pieces into 5 simple chapters that could make anyone’s life a success. Chapter 1 talks about how Philosophy is one of the major pieces to the Life Puzzle.  Everything that goes on inside the human mind in the form of thought, ideas and information forms our personal Philosophy.It is a major factor in determining how our lives turn out and the w...

BOOK 2-7 What to say when you talk to yourself

 In the last few chapters of this wonderful book, Shad Helmstetter shares thoughts about how we could make this a part of our everyday life and how it will improve our life and also change the way we handle situations that happen around us. The words may change but the message and the internal motivation that it creates is the same. With the right kind of self-talk we make winning achievements a whole lot easier. Creating your own Self-talk   Mr Shad reveals in this chapter how to replace negative self-talk phrases .Example in the picture below. The Self-Talk Checklist. 1. Is your Self-talk stated in the present tense? 2. Is it specific?  3. Does it get the job done without creating any unwanted side-effects? 4. Is it easy to use? 5. Is it practical? 6. Is it personal and is it honest? 7. Does your self-talk ask enough of you? If we follow this simple checklist, then we could create our own self-talk and we could set ourselves up for getting the right result...