BOOK 3 -3 The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn

 The third piece to The five major pieces to the Life Puzzle is ACTIVITY.

A growing awareness and a positive attitude are not enough in and of themselves. What we know and how we feel merely determine our potential for achievement.

 Whether we actually achieve our goals is ultimately determined by our Activity.

Why do people fail even though they are honest, and despite their knowledge?  Jim states “The answer might well be that we do not work at achieving our goals”

 The lack of commitment to put our knowledge into action, and lack of  intense disciplined activity are the reasons we do not achieve our goals.

Talking about achieving something is one and making it happen is something altogether different. We should not look back with regret at all the things that we could have done and meant to do – but left it undone. 

Any day we wish to we can discipline ourselves and change it all. We must put intelligence into our work along with the intensity into our activity. Activity must be deliberately planned, carefully refined and consistently executed.

Our Journey to success must not be like a Sunday drive, we need to plan a specific destination and for reaching that destination, plan for the obstacles and the risks involved. Put a simple plan in place and start work. Time and again in this chapter Jim reiterates the importance of being Disciplined

“The smallest of disciplines, practiced everyday start an incredible process that can change our lives forever”

He ends this chapter with the following

Activity is a major part of the life puzzle. It is the power that gives substance and meaning to our philosophy and our attitude. Intelligent, planned, intense and consistent activity creates new energy and keeps us moving towards the existing future that our thoughts and desires have already designed for us.

Have a great day


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