BOOK 3 -2 The 5 Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle -Jim Rohn

 In Chapter 2 of The 5 Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle -Jim Rohn is talking about  Attitude

Our lives are greatly affected by what we know since what we know determines the decisions we will make’.

Attitude focusses primarily on the emotional issues that affect our existence.

He goes on to share how the Past, Present and the Future will shape our attitude. (See picture). 

He states ‘Everything in the world around us was finished in the mind of its creator before it started’- so he goes on to impress upon us that we should conceive what we want in our minds first before it will become a reality. 

 We are designed to create a better future. And that Future that we want to create has a price tag to be paid. 

We progress as we appreciate our self-worth. How we feel about ourselves is a matter of choice, not circumstance. 

As in the earlier book by Shad, here also we read about how each of us are unique and special with special things that we only can do.


Jim asks thee major questions that those in search of a better life must ask themselves.

1 Who am I Around?

2 What effect are they having? 

3 Is that acceptable?

These questions help us realise how we should expand our association with the  right people.

 And how that can help us in goal-setting, attitude, leadership skills 

The one thing, he says that determines the level of our potential, that produces the intensity of our activity, and that predicts the quality of the result we receive is our Attitude

---Let us learn to have a positive attitude.  😊 

Next post , we look at the next piece in the puzzle. 

Enjoy your day!


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