BOOK 2 - What to say when you talk to yourself - Shad Helmstetter

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself is a book by Shad Helmstetter. This book is based on a lot of scientific research about how the brain receives and accepts information. By using the principles laid down in this book we could reverse the negative programming of the brain and create new, vibrant positive life ahead.

He answers the primary question -Have we ever wondered why we do not get what we want or why things don’t work the way they should? In chapter 1. We could turn our lives around. While we grew up, we had lot of dreams and aspirations but as we grew those dreams gave way to more practical considerations which were imposed on us externally. “Our human brain is an immensely powerful computer that is capable of doing for you anything reasonable that you like it to do”

In the first 18 years of our life an average person would have listened to about 1,48,000 “NO’s” or “what we could not do”. We constantly listened to what others told us that we could not do and hence this repetition has become so much a part of us. “We are the whom we think we are.”

After having convinced the reader about the Negative mind programming, Shad goes on to show us what are the three ingredients that are missing self-help books

a-    Permanence- current solutions are temporary

b-    Knowledge of the Physiological process

c-    A word for word set of direction or new programming required.

The solution to this is SELF TALK.

The next section of this book, starts with equating the brain to the computer. (See picture) and he goes on to establish that our human brain responds to electrical impulses.  For every thought be it conscious or unconscious there is an electrical impulse. Whatever programs that we have created for ourself or others have fed into us affects the way we live our life.
What adults tell us as children has an incredible effect on us. And he gives and example of how at the age of 12, he overheard the band director tell is class teacher that he has no musical ability and that has since then stuck with him even to this day. He believed and accepted this fact and hence could not go forward to learn any musical instrument.

The opposite is also true When you uplift your children and talk about their positive side that is carried forth along with them for years.

The author talks about how these programs that we have in our mind are causing setback and how we could reprogram ourselves like a computer program and change out lives. 


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