Book 2 -5 What to Say when you talk to yourself

 Putting self-talk into practice

Shad Helmstetter talks about how to put this to practical use in the next couple of chapters. For instance, he explains, as a manager of one kind or other, one can set the example by doing self-management first and then, guiding those around to develop their qualities and skills. This is an exceptional opportunity to apply self-talk in almost every situation that a manager may encounter. 

Applying self-talk to improve income or financial stability. – ’The limits of our income are set by our own internal beliefs’. He goes on to say that we must see ourselves as being worthy and deserving for financial success. This begins with programming our mind to think so, and thereby changing our attitude and belief towards this goal.

Raising and teaching children- is another area where he says that Self-talk can be implemented. Children accept positive self-talk more easily than some of their parents and thereby the results will be seen faster in children. Also, if this is implemented in one area of life it will affect other areas of their life too. 

Self-talk creates a better chance to succeed. Right from how the friends are chosen , to the profession they are in, to teaching children how to conquer and overcome an obstacle self-talk plays an important role. 

To reach your goals, To improve your job, To times when you feel down and lonely, To improving your skills are all areas wherein you can implement self- talk patterns. 

  I hope this is useful to you.


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