BOOK 2 -3 What to say when you talk to yourself

 Let us continue with this book. What to Say When You Talk to Yourself  by Shad Helmstetter . We have covered till Chapter 8. 

Chapter 9 talks about the 5 levels of Self-talk.  Self-talk as we have already read “is a way to override our past negative programming by erasing or replacing it with conscious, positive new directions.” There are several levels of Self-talk. 

Level 1: Level of Negative Acceptance. This is the most harmful self-talk we can use. Words like “I can’t” or “If only I could”; these work against us and has to be avoided.

Level 2: Level of Recognition and the need to change. – Characterized by words such as “I need to…”, “I should …”, “ I really need to get more organized,but.”  These create guilt, feelings of disappointment and acceptance of our self-imagined inadequacies.

Level3: Level of Decision to change. This is the first level of self-talk that actually works for you. You not only recognise the need to change, but also make the decision to do something about it and state the decision in the present tense. “I no longer…”  “I never eat more than I should.”. In fact, Shad Helmstetter gives an excellent example here of how one can quit smoking. 

Level 4: The Better you.  This is the most effective kind of Self-talk we can use. You are painting a new picture of yourself- the way you really want to be. “I am organised and in control of my life.” “I am healthy and energetic “. In this level we are replacing the words we used in level 1 with more positive vibrant words.

Level 5: The level of Universal affirmation. This level has been in practice by nearly all religions. It is the self-talk of oneness with God and Unity of Spirit with the Divine.  Words like “I am one with the universe“ is spoken.

The book urges us to start using the kind of words of Level 3 and Level 4 and also begin to unlearn the words of Level 1 and 2.

Chapter 10 explains why Positive thinking alone, will not bring us success and he uses a metaphor here of a mental apartment – the place where we live with our thoughts. We just clear out all the negative words and then the apartment is clean and spotless without any furniture. After a few hours we will need something to sit on. So, we will go out and bring 1 piece of old furniture back. Soon you will be making multiple trips to bring back the old furniture. 

In order to prevent this is, is where he stresses the need to replace the old furniture with new ones. In this case replace the old words with new positive words. 

In order for this self-talk program to be successful – we should be our own motivator- taking charge and putting ourselves back in control. 

“For any self-improvement concept to be successful, it has to be simple. It has to be easy to use. And when put into practice, it has to work”

Next we will see how we put this to work.


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