BOOK 2 -2 What to say when you talk to your seldf - Shad Helmstetter

 All of us talk to ourselves all the time. Through words & thoughts both of which are influenced by our feeling, impressions, physical responses. Our thinking machines never shut down. Most of our SELF-TALK today is happening in an unconscious method.

All of us have a big Self-made Wall of negative self-talk as Mr Shad puts it and he lists down a big list. Some of which are “I can’t remember names. This is just my luck! Nothing works right for me.” And so on. Let us check our vocabulary and our thought process to identify such negative words that we have formed. Now imagine if we have to progress in life with all these words flooding our mind always. We will never be as successful as you want to be.

Because we learned this pattern, we are also passing on the same kind of thoughts and words to those around us.   Sometimes what we say to our children and teenagers behind closed doors will be very harsh. In the process, we unknowingly have passed on words and pictures and created a picture of himself or herself and many a time these are not about things which will uplift them.

 Towards the end of Chapter 7 Shad Helmstetter talks about the machine that never sleeps- Our Subconscious mind. Quoting “By the time most of us reach adulthood, we are so conditioned to think in a certain way that our pattern of self-talk become as habit.” He goes on to say
Chapter 8 goes on to tell us how we can improve our chances of success in life. The Self-management sequence- or the five steps that control our success or failure is

1 BEHAVIOUR – What we do or do not do meaning our actions at each moment of the day. “The right series of the right actions will always end up making things work better.”

2 FEELINGS – How we feel about doing something will affect what you do and how well we do it. We will do something more positively – if we feel more positive about what we are doing. 

3 ATTITUDES- These are perspectives from which we view life. A good attitude is essential to achievement of any kind.

4 BELIEFS – The belief that we have about anything is so powerful that it can even make something appear to be smithing different that what it really is. Whatever you believe about yourself will end up affecting what you do.

5 PROGRAMMING – “Our conditioning from the day we were born, has created, reinforced and nearly permanently cemented most of what we believe about ourselves”

The chain reaction begins with

·        Programming creates beliefs

·        Beliefs creates attitudes

·        Attitudes creates feelings.

·        Feeling determine actions

·        Actions creates the results

This is how the brain works. So, if you want to manage the results start with the first step of programming.

Next post – We will look at the 5 levels of Self talk and how they will affect us.
I hope you are enjoying the posts


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